Archive for melancholy


Posted in Photos, Poetry with tags , , , , , , on November 21, 2010 by Susana Romatz

November Train


Blue moon, winter air

Starlight passenger whistle

cross town, low down drone


What is it about trains that elicits such a melancholy mood on a windy November night? Especially on a full moon…

I was walking toward the tracks when I heard the whistle from pretty far off. It was rainy and windy and slick and muddy, but I wanted to try and take a few shots of the train graffiti. The moon was making a show coming in and out from behind the old sibyl’s hair and before I knew it, the train was upon us. I snapped a quick blind shot in the dark and the night sprite’s helped out:


Thanks night sprites!

Also got this shot, first thing when I walked up. You can’t really tell exactly that it is a train right away, but I like it.

Beautiful night!